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RAPID SILE NO.2 - 14kg/acre

RAPID SILE NO.2 - 14kg/acre

Regular price £58.00
Regular price Sale price £58.00
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Medium term cutting ley (2-3 years)  14kg/ acre 

  • Establishes rapidly for early and late utilisation, providing the optimum balance between high yield and quality.
  • A perfect option for prolific spring growth and a very large first cut.
  • Italians enable growth at lower temperatures.
  • Hybrids provide more leaf than straight Italians.
  • Aston Crusader provides excellent early spring growth in the first harvest year.
  • Responds really well to nitrogen inputs.
  • Alamo provides good high quality yields.


14% Alamo (Italian Ryegrass D)

14% Fox (Italian Ryegrass D)

36% Messina (Italian Ryegrass T)

36% Aston Crusader (Hybrid Ryegrass T)

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