About Veterinary Medicines
About Veterinary Medicines
W.E. Jameson & Son Ltd is authorized by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) to supply veterinary medicinal products through Suitably Qualified Persons (SQPs). To view the list of all approved registered premises, please visit the VMD's official registers.
The Accredited Internet Retailer Scheme (AIRS)
In 2012 the VMD set up the Accredited Internet Retailer Scheme (AIRS) in response to the public’s concerns about buying veterinary medicines online. W.E. Jameson & Son Ltd is accredited online by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate under the Accredited Internet Retailer Scheme. For further details and to learn more about the work of the VMD and AIRS follow the link: http://www.vmd.defra.gov.uk/giao/public.aspx
For further details and to see the list of online accredited websites, please visit the Veterinary Medicine Directorate online.
What Is This?
Veterinary Medicines must be prescribed by a suitably qualified person, necessitating the gathering of comprehensive information about the animals to be treated to ensure the most suitable product is selected. When purchasing veterinary medicines, you will be prompted to complete a brief questionnaire.
Under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations, the medicinal products available on this website fall under the following legal categories:
POM-V (Prescription Only Medicine-Veterinarian)
POM-VPS (Prescription Only Medicine-Veterinarian, Pharmacist, SQP)
NFA-VPS (Non-food animal- Veterinarian, Pharmacist, SQP)
AVM-GSL (Authorised Veterinary Medicine – General Sales List)
POM-V products can only be supplied by a registered veterinary surgeon with a valid veterinary written prescription. The original prescription must be provided before we can dispense the veterinary medicine.
POM-VPS medicines are used in farm animals and horses to mitigate or prevent effects of endemic disease in herds, flocks, or individual animals, where risks can be moderated by professional non-vet advice. No supply to horses used for food production.
Similarly, NFA-VPS medicines are solely for non-food animals, where they may be used routinely to prevent or limit the effects of endemic disease, with risks moderated by professional advice.
Where can you find information on the product?
The VMD produces a Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) for all authorised medicinal products, available on their website in the Product Information Database. https://www.gov.uk/check-animal-medicine-licensed
What is a RAMA/SQP?
A Registered Animal Medicines Advisor (RAMA) or Suitably Qualified Person (SQP) is a legally recognized category of professionally qualified individuals entitled to prescribe and/or supply certain veterinary medicines under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations.
For information or advice on any of our products, you can contact one of our Suitably Qualified Persons below:
Permissible Medicines: All VPS Medicines
List of Registered Suitably Qualified Persons (SQP's): List Of Registered Suitably Qualified Persons [SQPs]s (defra.gov.uk)
Permissible Medicines: Farm animals and equines
Permissible Medicines: All VPS Medicines
We reserve the right not to supply any medicine at our discretion.
Reporting Adverse Reactions
If you experience an adverse reaction (known as SARSS) to any medication purchased, please report it to the VMD on 01932 338427 see link:
Report a suspected problem with an animal medicine or microchip: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) and complete an MLA 252A form.
Complaints about Veterinary Medicines
For complaints about the quality of Veterinary Medicines, please contact us initially. Our complaints policy can be found in our Terms & Conditions.
If your complaint remains unresolved, you can contact the VMD at postmaster@vmd.gov.uk Please note that the VMD only considers complaints about Veterinary Medicines, not service, delivery, or cost issues, and non-medicinal products.
For confirmation of the online retail premises' registration status, please click the following link Register of Approved SQP Retailers and Feed Businesses (defra.gov.uk)