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Alltech Optigen 25Kg

Alltech Optigen 25Kg

Regular price £47.25
Regular price Sale price £47.25
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Optigen is a concentrated, controlled-release source of non-protein nitrogen, designed by Alltech to optimise rumen fermentation and enhance protein efficiency in ruminants. This 25kg bag is perfect for farmers who want to improve their herd's productivity and overall health. With its slow-release mechanism, Optigen provides a consistent supply of ammonia to the rumen over time, assisting in maximising microbial protein production and reducing nitrogen waste. It's an ideal choice for farmers aiming for sustainable and efficient feed solutions.

Benefits of Optigen in beef cattle:

  • Increases liveweight gain
  • Increases feed efficiency and energy available for production
  • Enhances microbial protein production and fibre digestion
  • Reduces the carbon footprint of beef rations by decreasing the inclusion of high-carbon feedstuffs, such as soybean
  • Helps to maintain a healthy rumen environment
  • Lowers the cost of diets by enabling formulation of cheaper feed ingredients

Benefits of Optigen in dairy cows:

  • Optimises milk production
  • Enhances microbial protein production and fiber digestion
  • Increases energy available for milk production
  • Reduces the carbon footprint of dairy diets by decreasing the inclusion of high-carbon feedstuffs, such as soybean
  • Helps maintain performance during periods of heat stress
  • Helps maintain rumen health and efficiency
  • Allows for the opportunity to formulate cheaper feed ingredients and lower the cost of rations
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