REJUVENATOR NO. 10 - 10kg/acre
REJUVENATOR NO. 10 - 10kg/acre
NO. 10 Heavy Duty 10kg
Long term Overseeding Ley (5 years)- 10kg/ acre
If a sward is damaged and becomes open, it allows weeds and unsown species to invade.
Overseeding will quickly check this and maintain productivity by increasing both yield and quality. A simple but effective way to rejuvenate damaged, or old grass leys, without the cost of a complete reseed.
Can also be used in poached gateways and worn areas, where ring feeders have been sited, to bring areas back into production.
The large seeded and vigorous strains of tetraploid ryegrass establish quickly and are more able to out compete weed existing grasses.
30% Seagoe (Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass T)
30% Weldone (Late Perennial Ryegrass T)
40% Aston Crusader (Hybrid Ryegrass T