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PERMA-GRAZE NO.7 - 14kg/acre

PERMA-GRAZE NO.7 - 14kg/acre

Regular price £75.00
Regular price Sale price £75.00
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Long term Cutting & Grazing Ley (5 years) 14kg/ acre

An excellent dual purpose ley suitable for cattle or sheep.

Timothy is an ideal choice for colder and more exposed sites.

Diploids are developed to suit wetter growing conditions and produce a dense sward.

This mixture supports good ground cover and is long lasting.

Clover assists in the palatability and density of the sward, improving intake.

High diploid content promotes good tillering for grazing.


14% Nolwen (Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass T)

8% Seagoe (Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass T)

7% Galgorm (Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass D)

21% Glenarm (Late Perennial Ryegrass D)

21% Aberlee (Late Perennial Ryegrass D)

14% Ballintoy (Late Perennial Ryegrass T)

8% Comer (Timothy)

7% J - Blend (White Clover)

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